After a long wet winter in So Cal, Spring is finally here. And with spring comes flowers, sunshine, moderate temperatures and of course, VACATION! The first thing I do before anything else when I head to the Owens Valley is take a break in the Keough Hot Springs. Then I set up base camp and relax for a day while I plan my attack on hunting for old mining camps and cabins. Horton Creek Campground is one of my favorite BLM campgrounds and makes for a great base camp from which to search the White and Inyo Mountains for days gone by. The first trip will be up Mazourka Canyon out of Independence and on to Mazourka Peak and Mazourka Pass. Mazourka Peak sits at 9412 feet overlooking Independence to the south and affords one of the most fantastic views of the Sierra Nevada of the whole Inyo Mountain range. One can see the Sierra Nevada from Mount Whitney in the south to Tom's Place in the north. With the left over snowpack this makes for a great view. Also, the flowers are all in bloom and this year in particular has been one of the best in recent history for plants like Lupine and Indian Paintbrush. There were a couple of mines and cabins to explore along this class II and class III road so the trip was filled with adventure. Come along and check out our day-long excursion to Mazourka Peak with my dog Tabby and my old friend Mark and his wonder dog Twist. If you would like to go up Mazourka Canyon on a trip of your own, may I suggest aquiring a guide by Roger Mitchell. "Inyo-Mono SUV Trails" This outstanding book features forty interesting and scenic four-wheeling excursions in California's Inyo and Mono Counties and can be purchased at the White Mountain Ranger Station in Bishop, CA. Mazourka Canyon, Peak and Pass is trip number 33 in the book. |