A verticl shaft |
A caved adit |
The ore bin for this mess |
Looking up the chute |
B-Spec ponders the wonders of gravity |
Woodburner in the Osborne Cabin. |
The kitchen |
Bunk room |
Chris in front of an old out building |
More of the cabin |
More of the kitchen |
View of the cabin |
Ruins of an outbuilding |
A short trail behind the cabin |
Stuff |
All it needs now is a garage |
Looking up the canyon from the front porch |
Tabby says we can live here. She always says that... |
The ore bin below the mine |
The tram cable goes way up to that little black spot left of center next to the hump. |
Top of the ore bin with cable |
It's a two chuter |
Looking up one of the chutes |
One whole wall of the mountain is covered with this swirl like rock. |
Another view of the Swirl Rock as I call it. I'm told it's a kind of limestone. |
More of the Swirl Rock. |
Looking down the canyon towards the cabin |
Another view of the ore bin looking up canyon |
This chunk is all by itself in the middle of the wash. |
Close up of the cabin |
Railings put up by the BLM |
Tabby guards the coolers full of precious beer |
Chris taking photos of the weather. |
Tabby hounding Chris for table scraps. |
Chris doesn't want to get up. |
OK... Chris is up... |
Dinner time at the Osborne |
Warm and toasty |
The next morning reveales that it snowed. |
I shoot pictures from Chris' Xterra. |
another photo of the snow covered Panamints. |
Some sort of water collection device made from a boulder, cement and a pipe. |
Full of rat crap. Not very tastey looking. |
The end of a cable coming from high up on the mountain. |
Top of an ore bin. |
A metal barrel dating 1902 |
Close up of the tag on the barrel. |
Notice the shape of the barrel. |
On the way up the canyon we find an ore bucket that has fallen from the cable above. |
Seems this bucket was carrying something esle besides ore. |
Another view of the bucket. |
More of the geology in this very narrow and deep canyon. |
Chris watching it rain. |
I scare the bejesus outta him with the flash. |
The front yard and parking area. |
David cooking "Speidies" at PSR Spring Fling. IT was a FLAMING success... |
Heading out from the cabin. We went this way so many times I know every rock in the road. |
Mill works at the Minietta. |
Another view of the mill works. |
Mill works from a different angle. |
Leaching Tanks. |
A nearby stope. |
Chris checks out the view from high up. |
A partially caved incline shaft. |
Adit |
Looks kinda dangerous... |
An ore chute from another tunnel. |
An ore bin. |
Another view of the ore bin. |
The Minietta from high up. |
The ore bin with the Minietta down below. |
A shack. |
More holes. |
Lots of incline shafts. Here's one with a head frame. |
A close up. |
Inside the shack. |
Window view. |
An air compressor and tank. |
Junk |
The Minietta Cabin with the Panamints in the background. |
Another view of the Minietta Cabin. |
Another partially caved incline shaft. |
More stuff. |
Holes everywhere. |
Some kind of small arrastre or crushing mill. |
Another view. The power plant is shown above. The shifter works. |
Very strange. No walls, yet it has an air freshener |
A hootinanny in the cabin. |